GET AN ONLINE QUOTE Quickly obtain your insurance quote Estimated overall value of the assets to be insured, in euros?* You are ?* a private individual a company Profession or field of activity * Name or corporate name* Adress* E-mail adress* Telephone* Risk address (address where the assets to be insured are located)* Protective measures in place at the risk address* Multi-point lock (minimum 3 points) Alarm Alarm connected to a remote surveillance service with a regular maintenance agreement Armoured door Other security measures Are you already insured for your objects of art?* Yes No If Yes, with which insurance company?* Have you reported any claims in the last 3 years?* Yes No Do you have an inventory, or the corresponding bills, of the art objects that you wish to insure?* No Yes Yes, and I wish to benefit from agreed value insurance Further details By sending this quote request: • You guarantee the integrity and accuracy of the information provided • You authorize Valiex to communicate this information to insurance companies SEND Upon receipt, a Valiex specialist will handle your request and get back to you promptly. * Mandatory fields